Dr Coen Butters

Dr Coen Butters

BMed (Dist), DCH, FRACP

Coen is a general paediatrician and paediatric infectious diseases physician. He combines his clinical work with research at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) and teaching at the University of Newcastle.

Coen looks after children and young people with a range of general paediatric issues and has specialist experience in infectious diseases (eg. immunisations, common and unusual infections, recurrent fever, infections in the immunocompromised). Coen also provides comprehensive travel medicine and immunisation advice for families planning to travel overseas.

Coen grew up in Newcastle and completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of Newcastle in 2011. He undertook paediatric training in Melbourne at The Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Children’s Hospital. He has worked in rural Australia and also spent time working and teaching in the Solomon Islands. He is currently completing a PhD examining the use of antibiotics in children with cancer.

Coen has a young family and spends his free time with them outdoors; exploring all Newcastle has to offer.